
Monday, April 28, 2014

SEPSIS Bundles & Early goal directed therapy

SIRS = 2 or more of
Temp < 38.3 or < 36
WBC < 4 or > 12
Pulse > 90
Resp > 20

SIRS + Documented/suspected infection = Sepsis
Sepsis + end organ failure = Severe Sepsis
Sepsis + unresponsive hypotension = Septic Shock

2 bundles = Resuscitation Bundle in 6 hours and Management Bundle in 24 hours

Resuscitation Bundle:

  1. Check Lactates
  2. Blood Cultures
  3. Antibiotics after culture within an hour
  4. Treat Hypotension or lactatemia (> 4 mmol/L) with fluids and/or Vasopressors to keep MAP > 65
  5. If persistent, CVC to be done to keep CVP > 8, and Mixed Venous Sats > 65
EGDT: Subset of resuscitation bundle:
  • MAP > 65
  • Mixed Venous Sat > 65 %
  • CVP > 8
  • Urine Output > 0.5 ml/kg/hr
  • Sugars < 8.3
  • Hemoglobin between 7 to 9 gm/dL
SEPSIS SIX are 6 Tasks to be completed by any ED physician staff within the first hour:
  • Give High Flow Oxygen
  • Obtain Blood Cultures
  • IV Antibiotics
  • IV Fluids
  • Check Lactates
  • Monitor hourly urine output
(N.B.: Consider low dose steroids if a patient with septic shock do not respond to fluid resuscitation or vasopressors and has persistent hypotension)

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