
Thursday, February 21, 2013

MCEM Part A Recommended Study Plan


Curriculum for Part A from CEM
Revision Notes for MCEM Part A by Mark Harrison
Get Through MCEM Part A

Step 1:

Define a study plan to complete one reading of Mark Harrison over 45 days
A dedicated study time of about 25 hours per week to get the task accomplished

Step 2:

Using the curriculum and a standard textbook of Anatomy, complete the anatomy revision in next 15 days
A dedicated study time of about 25 hours per week to get the task accomplished

Anatomy Text Books recommended for reference:
1.                  Snell’s Clinical Anatomy
2.                  Netter’s Anatomy Atlas
3.                  BD Chaurasia Anatomy (India)

Step 3:

Retrospectively Solve the online question bank (mcemexamprep) and note down additional points in the Revision Notes Book

Study Time: 45 Days

Step 4:

Assess yourself by solving passmcem and mock tests from mcemexamprep

Study Time: 15 Days

Step 5:

Be confident and realize the fact that you have to just get 140 questions right to pass this exam, you are not expected to achieve a 99 percent. Do not get intimidated by the passing rate. So breathe easy, and go ahead.

Give it your best shot…


(N.B: The author have recommended the resources for learning based on past examinees' experience and is in no way having any conflicts of interest or promoting the recommended products)